Elder care law encompasses many areas of practice, all serving older clients and their loved ones. At our firm, we help clients avoid the confusion that often comes from navigating the legal and healthcare systems. We assist our clients with:
- How to Finance long-term care, whether through Medicaid, Social Security, long-term care insurance or private funding
- Estate and disability planning, including preparation of wills, trusts, durable financial powers of attorney, and advance directives for healthcare
- Probate and estate administration
- Trust administration
- Guardianship and conservatorship
What is elder law?
Elder law addresses the needs and special circumstances of seniors. To help secure a comfortable retirement and provide for potential long-term care, older individuals need an estate plan that takes public benefit eligibility and the smart distribution of resources into account.
Careful estate planning allows your aging loved ones to live out their lives in a way that’s in line with their values and hopes.
Because we specialize in elder law, we understand the complexities of estate planning for seniors. We also know that these conversations can sometimes be challenging or complicated by family dynamics. We work hard to serve the client best interests, helping:
- Address issues around incapacity
- Explaining the probate process and the pros and cons of avoiding probate
- Address tax issues related to transfer of property
- Establish charitable bequests and planned giving
- Consider long-term care insurance
- Pursue or ensure Medicaid eligibility
What is long-term care planning?
Private insurance and Medicare cover very little when it comes to long term care. And because nursing homes and assisted living facilities are so expensive, even the most careful planners can quickly go through a lifetime of savings before qualifying for Medicaid.
While not every individual will need long-term care, many will. For most individuals, retirement savings and private insurance will not be enough to ensure a choice in the preferred type and level of nursing care. Long-term care planning allows seniors to maximize benefits eligibility while protecting their savings. This increases the chances of seniors having the type of care they would want while also possibly leaving behind charitable gifts that are meaningful to them or bequests that will make a difference in the lives of family members.
If it’s time to help your parents get their estate planning in place, or if you need to create your own estate plan, you need an Atlanta elder law attorney. Contact Nadler Biernath today to schedule a consultation.